Sunday, February 7, 2010


The locals bathing and washing clothes in the creek just down the hill from the Mission.

The showers below the mission house.
The main mission building with the kitchen/dining room.
Front porch.

Boy's dorm.

I think I'm getting adjusted to the living conditions here at TRAM but I still catch myself wishing I had this or that convenience. For example today I found myself wishing for a lighted bathroom with a stink free, flushing toilet. The current situation, which has recently improved with the addition of a roof, is two outhouses that a trip to requires a highly tolerant olfactory system. At night several dozen cockroaches prefer to reside just under the seat and threaten to attack whoever dares visit the pot after hours. Some among our group have actually chosen to forgo the number two for fear of encounters with the insects that reside in the outhouse.

Our living situation is a bit more civilized with all of the guys, save one married dude, living in a dorm in bunks and under mosquito nets. Most of the main buildings are connected by raised walkways with the central kitchen/eating building which also serves a place to charge electronics while the generator is running; it is where I am typing this now, in fact. The meals are cooked by several ladies from the village and have been pretty good so far; this evening we had beans, leftover bean patties, and fried plantains. After supper people hang out in the eating area because there's light and a place to sit.

Over all its not the Best Western, but it is going to be home for the next three weeks before we head to Corn Island.

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