Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Physics, my bane.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Hasta luego Francia Sirpi...
Today's the day, the longest day in the longest 3 months of my life, the last day in Francia, the last day before we take one more terrible deuce ride into Puerto Cabezas. It’s a wonderful feeling, it means that soon I'll have internet, flush toilets, warm showers, food other than rice and beans, and all the other comforts that come along with not living in the bush. But its also not without mix feelings that I'm leaving this place; I think I'm actually going to miss this place. Probably when I'm busy beyond belief this summer I'm going to look back at the times when I thought I was so bored and think 'why didn't I enjoy it when I had the chance?'
I'm also a bit discouraged by the immense need here that is not being met, I hope that at some point I'll have more to contribute to these people. There needs to be a concerted effort at educating the Miskitos about how to improve their health and livelihoods. Until this happens clinics and de-worming medications are only a stop-gap measure.